Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Office Spaces

Here's a little love from the office. The joys of being self employed is that I can work as late as I want, come in early if I please. I love that if I want to work on something another day, then it's usually a possibility. If creativity strikes me, I can switch projects. I am so thankful to be doing what I love. 

Coffee, always so wonderful. It's my thank you to myself for working late then I do. I however am working from a remote office. It's a rainy day and I decided I needed a change of scenery to keep the motivation going today. It's nice to change it up. Keeps things exciting and my brain working full speed!

Enjoy this day! I will be posting some beautiful pictures of our new wrap skirts as soon as the sample is done. I can't wait to share them with you. 

Until then, I'm designer dreaming. 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

No, I'm not just reading for pleasure...

Part of being in the fashion industry is being aware of what is currently trending, what is not, and what could possibly be the next big thing. Although some companies don't care because their style doesn't hinge on those things, we all care to know. Why? Because that's where you get inspiration. That's the big news in our industry. I happen to love, even though I don't tend to wear many, all the new and rotating trends. They inspire me to create my own. 

I have always been obsessed with fashion magazines my whole life. I used to use my grade school libraries archive of fashion magazines to keep current on everything. I still subscribe to at least a dozen. I love the feeling of the glossy pages. I love the stories and backgrounds on the designers we all love. I like to see the industry's take on what we will wear the next season. So even though I'm not just reading for pleasure anymore, it is always a pleasure to indulge in one of my many magazines. 

Just a little industry reading at the office...

Until next time,  I'm designer dreaming.